31/10/15 competition at the London South East Championships in Crystal Palace! Bex (58kg cat) Snatch…

Mike discusses exercises for athletes with limited movement skills and flexibility looking to develop power,…

03/10/15 Great day at LSE competition in Crystal Palace. Numbers as follows: Rhys Snatch 70,74x,75x…

How to correct a hip shift when back squatting

Powerlifting competition at Brentwood Barbell Club on 25/7/15 Well done to those who lifted: Karen…

Mix 2 eggs, 1 scoop of vanilla whey, 1 banana and some oats in a…

Some of the Fit Performance and Belhus lifters competing at Bethnal Green 18/07/2015

Absolutely amazing session tonight from Zara! PBs on all 3 lifts. In just seven weeks…

On Sunday June 21st we held our first open Weightlifting competition complete with 3 referees,…

On Sunday June 21st we held our first open Weightlifting competition complete with 3 referees,…

On Sunday June 21st we held our first open Weightlifting competition complete with 3 referees,…